Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
Switching from staff to laser sword might actually decrease Rey's effectiveness, she's not invested in it.
Spoiler: Possible Force Awakens spoilers
It wouldn't. The reason is that Rey already has a laser sword. Her staff is made of laser sword hilts that she collected while scavenging and repaired. The Last Jedi didn't confirm this, because it's a disjoint movie with all the setups from The Force Awakens throws away, but it did seem so after The Force Awakens. You don't expect the staff prop to be designed to look just like it's made of lightsaber hilts in a Star Wars film if Rey wasn't planned to use it after she gets her Jedi training from Luke, do you?

Rey only agreed to look at a laser sword because the DM decided that Rey left her main weapon on the ship. Pete never said anything to that effect, and it would be such an uncharacteristic decision for an adventurer that I think it's downright unfair for the DM to assume it. If the only laser sword that Maz Kanata has to offer is a cursed one, then it's no surprise that Rey isn't interested. A laser sword could help if a fight breaks out in the bar, but dealing with a cursed laser sword at that point is worse than just using an improvized weapon. And once they return to the ship, Rey will have her weapon once again.