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Thread: Simple Q&A D&D 4e Thread 3

  1. - Top - End - #422
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Re: Simple Q&A D&D 4e Thread 3

    If I have the Divine Channeler: Cleric feat, the Adept Power feat, and the Creation Secret feat whereupon I swap in a L1 Cleric Utility that DOES let me use a Channel Divinity power like Stay the Hand of Death -- could I use Creation Secret as an encounter power?

    Where was Arcane Implement Mastery updated to be a normal power? That's awesome, because this now means that I can recharge Orb of Imposition (with all of the brokenness that creates with Heightened Imposition) but I can't find a smoking gun that it's actually a power, let alone an arcane power. PHB makes it a non-power class feature.
    Last edited by Deathtongue; 2021-08-17 at 02:28 AM.