New comic

Good news: John's back in school.
Better news: Interesting times ahead.
Bad news: Mid-season break.

Also, Arlo has gotten seriously chill.

Also also, his Aunt is in fact that Volcan chick.
Big surprise, I know. I was still kinda hoping for a red herring since Arlo described her power as a variation of his. Of course with the booster giving more control and more oomph using burning claws to hide your power is actually fiery shields would be possible.
Probably a good idea too, not to have that obvious a connection between the drug dealer and the government employee.

Actually what's the point of the whole operation?
Can't be testing, there's better ways for that.
Is it to lure out potential vigilantes?
You know, by giving them a reason.
Like drugging some angry guy and letting them rampage playing petty tyrant completely unopposed by the authorities.

Because while pointlessly evil and hilariously counterproductive in the long term that sounds like a thing the clowns who came up with John's "rehabilitation" would do.