R1T15: Ozzy will wave Visto over in case the raised voices inside turn to sounds of combat. He will also enter his combat stance and stick close to Kwava, directing Ginny to, ”Stay close.”

R1T14: Apophis enters, blocking a bouncer from being able to get to his master.

R1T12: An arrow shoots down from the catwalks above to hit Sol in his hip for 7. He lets out a cry of pain.

R1T9-6: Red sidesteps Rodriguez to attack the wounded man (Sol) with a short sword he draws, only to have his weapon pushed by a deflection field. Another bouncer (Green) comes double-moving in from the north, having come from the area of the northern bar, short sword drawn.. Blue sidesteps Apophis to flank with Sol, drawing his short sword, but the strange shadows of the day coming in through shuttered light confuses him. Yet another bouncer (Brown) comes from the are of the swinging door, short sword drawn.

R1T5: Visto, angry shouts of battle inside. What do you do? I hear the Isle of Kortos is beautiful this time of year.

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Kwava: 28.
Brown Thief: 27. (12:12). Catwalk.
Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk.
Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
Old Scratch: 24. (30:30).
Sol: 23.
Blue Thief: 22. (12:12). Area #27.
Pink Thief: 22. (12:12). Back porch.
Eric: 19. SHAKEN til R3T7 (-2 saves, skill checks, ability checks, -2 attack rolls). READIED attack (q.v.).
* Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
Rodriguez: 18.
Hans: 17. (9:9).
Ozlech: 15. *Aura of misfortune* stance active.
Apophis: 14. Shield til R31T18.
Huginn: 13. DELAYING!!!
Green Thief: 12. (12:12). Catwalk.
Ganmeed: 11. DELAYING!!!
Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
Red Thug: 9. (9:9).
Green Thug: 8. (9:9).
Blue Thug: 7. (9:9). All enemies have concealment to him til R4T7, but he can make a DC 20 Will save at beginning of each round.
Brown Thug: 6.(9:9).
Visto: 5.
Beyar: 4. (9:9).