I have an appointment for the end of June to talk about top reduction, what I can expect, how much will be covered and so on. Reading up on how it's done here in France I'm unclear how many appointments are needed but it should be faster and cheaper than in the US at least. The one thing is that I may be asked to lose some weight first as my BMI is higher than 24, and losing weight is challenging for me past my current point because my breasts get comparatively bigger and bigger.
I won't know more about it for more than a month so who knows, but I'll try to at least go back to good habits and maybe by then I'll have lost of few pounds.

The family planning thing was a bust, they don't deal with anything gender-related in France, I do see my psychiatrist later today but I don't really know if I'll feel up for telling her about any of it. I'll give it a try, I do see her every four weeks so I'll have other opportunities to bring it up.

I realise for most people top surgery happens after a lot of other things but I'm hoping that if it happens first due to it being a reduction, I'll have a clearer idea once it heals up about what I want and who I am.