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Thread: Webcomic List

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Seattle, WA

    Default Re: Webcomic List

    Castoff -- After getting kidnapped and dragged halfway across the world, scaredy-cat Vector finds himself a long, long way from home. Now, with the help of a short-tempered bounty hunter, a happy-go-lucky cartographer, and many more unlikely friends, he has to try to make it home in one piece.

    Dr. Frost -- The story of a psychologist himself incapable of feeling most emotions. Episodic, with each arc focusing on a new case of his. Sort of CARL meets Sherlock Holmes.

    Erma -- Terrifying ghost girls and horrific supernatural powers have never been so adorable and wholesome.

    Firebrand -- The story of a hot-headed witch in Seattle.

    Hellish -- A witch tries to summon a demon, but gets more than she bargained for. (Can't actually be read right now, as it moves from Discovery to Featured.)

    Nefarious -- A sequel to the video game of the same name (you don't need to play that first, though), it follows Crowe, the only villain who's figured out how to buck the status quo and actually win, Princess Mayapple, his recurring kidnap victim turned friend turned hero, and Princess Foxglove, Crowe's latest victim. Crowe's devotion to cartoon villainy remains hilarious, especially juxtaposed with the more serious world everyone else seems to inhabit.

    Noblesse -- Rai has just woken up from an 800 year slumber. There's some solid fish-out-of-water comedy had from this, but the story mostly revolves around the mysterious organization Union attempting to hunt him down. Constant escalation of threat and an extremely overpowered protagonist are both handled very well by this webtoon, and are also paired with surprisingly hilarious comedy. Now also an anime.

    Noblesse: Rai's Adventure -- A short story set in the distant past of Noblesse. Technically involves plot points from relatively late in Noblesse, but in practice you'd probably be fine reading it at any point after the second arc or so.

    Nwain: The Knight Who Wandered Dream -- Almost every panel is actually a short animation; most panels contain multiple animations to be played in succession. Follows the adventures of a knight errant who finds herself very far from home indeed.

    Spells From Hell -- A world much like ours; magic exists, but it's seen as a dangerous dead end. So college student James Chao is more than a little alarmed when a fox spirit appears in his room, shortly followed by a portal to literal Hell.

    Temerity -- He's a very serious genetically enhanced super-soldier. She's a less serious sugar-addicted mercenary.
    Last edited by PoeticallyPsyco; 2021-05-09 at 12:24 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Darths & Droids
    When you combine the two most devious, sneaky, manipulative, underhanded, cunning, and diabolical forces in the known universe, the consequences can be world-shattering. Those forces are, of course, players and GMs.
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