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Thread: Lost Lands: Grimmsgate IC

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    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Lost Lands: Grimmsgate IC

    Philemon stay out of any arguments that might develop over the rules in Mirquinoc, instead enjoying the occasional pixie-siting and trying to not show his excitement too much at getting back out into the wilds. "See, even here it can be a bit noisy for wouldn't believe how quiet it is a couple of days out from a town. It's really nice...let's a person think their thoughts and not be interrupted by all the chatter."

    The rain doesn't bother Phil any, and he spends much of the evening in quiet contemplation of the storm's furies. "Man, if I didn't love the Morninglight so much, I could totally get onboard with worship of storms...someone like Oon or even Lusph. It's so wild and powerful..."

    Spoiler: Mechanics
    Quote Originally Posted by SRD
    Survival DC 10 - Get along in the wild. Move up to half your overland speed while hunting and foraging (no food or water supplies needed). You can provide food and water for one other person for every 2 points by which your check result exceeds 10.
    Is there any reason Philemon cannot take 10 (for a 15) on this, providing food for himself and two others? If there is no problem here, then that is what he will do while traveling.

    Philemon doesn't seem to be in much of a hurry, happily foraging as the party travels and gathering enough food for himself and two others (all of it veggies/fruits). At night he happily points out constellations and during the day landmarks and "interesting" plants or animals they encounter. "Those stirges are really much more dangerous if you don't see them and they get to draining you. A whole swarm can terrorize an area if you don't know what to watch for or get caught unawares...hey, look at this! You don't see too many of these around anymore..."

    In the old woods he shows more deference, quietly traveling and doing what he can to guide the others' steps. Pointing out pitfalls, tripping roots, and other minor hazards, he also tries to minimize the party's impact as they travel, as if to soften any negative response from the deep forest to their presence. "I haven't ever met one, but I've heard of some of the oldest trees around here pulling up their roots and actively protecting the younger trees from woodcutters and such. Best to be safe and just keep moving through - they've been here longer than all of us and will be here long after we're all worm-food."

    While in Old Lawson Town Philemon seems nervous again, as if he's anxious to be home. "See what I mean? That's why we need you folks there in Grimmsgate. THe word of our troubles has even reached here! We're only three days away...hope everyone is alright since I've been gone..."