Tobi's appearance is a so-called Black swan event (where you generalize based on existing data set, not predicting an unforeseen possibility). If she wasn't in Lorg, the old man would have been right as far as we are shown.

Name one person (Tobi and her people excluded) that showed some kind of ability to repair and/or analyze tech?
I would more say Tobi is proof of an unreliable narrator. That what the old man says is only true from the common perspective.

But i can do better than name a person. I can name organisations.
Who have shown ability to intergrate technology. The red suit guys have functional elevators.
As well as custom death traps. Thats something that require a lot of maintenance. And require you understand it before you install it.

And whoever runs the game, seem to directly have installed technology. Extremely advanced technology at that.
I do think your putting to much weight on what an old hermit said in comic. And not enough on things we have observed, that he would not have seen.
Tobi's ability to understand tech at a glance is likely unique. But the ability to repair tech cant be unique. Just excedingly rare.

I think the implication here is Magilante is working with ghouls/researchers. I wouldn't be surprised that the entire thing installed itself, or is part of Magilante.
Well. We have just also been informed that Magilante isnt sentient in a conventional manner.
That it just randomly spits out tech items. So it seems unlikely it can work with someone?
I mean its not impossible. The whole operation is excedingly expensive.

When a magic-user uses magic, there is usually a glow or an effect (yes even Blue Ghoul had a glow). Aude and Felix even comment on it.

See this:

No glow. No magic. That doesn't mean magic wasn't cast on him to share excess damage in case one contestant went overboard. Which did happen.
Well. That usually there carry a ton of exceptions. We have countless examples of people doing magic without there being a glow.
Just for example. Kimberly dont produce a glow when he uses his ability.
So glow is certainly a sign of magic. But no glow isnt a sign of no magic. I mean im sure we can find more examples.

Fair point, I might be imagining things, but I don't get why sabotage yourself like that?
Hmm.. well. We cant know for certain. Perhaps he wants to get underestimated?
Or maybe its for the fun of it? Look at how many dumb things real world people do in their free time.
Or how many things people intentionally makes harder for themselves because they like the challenge.
Burk is so powerful that 95% of the actual challenges he faces are easy mode. No wonder he gets bored.