From what I understand his Pandemonium is some kind of wishing power, which is probably the strongest possible power.
His power is a complete mystery.
In part due to his reluctance to use or experiment with it.
Well at the same time. It is likely wise to keep it a secret.

Wait. What about

We saw at least one gun wielded by one of the heads of the navy IIRC. Maybe only the navy is allowed to carry guns?
Perhaps Emperor & President agreed to not have guns among the populace. Or maybe Magilante didn't give enough guns.
Oh fair point. The Admiral had a gun. It seemed like the only one in the building though.
Even professor Null had to settle for a crossbow. Seems likely they are extremely rare at the very least.
It can even easily be that rifle was the personal weapon of said admiral.

Missing the context. Tobi is alien to their world. He's still right. Her having the knowledge to repair tech is an abberation.
No its not missing the contex. It directly proves said narrator were unreliable. And they life in a world full of abberations.
Another prime case is the location the game takes place in. That spot is to advanced. You cant have something like that without at least passing information on how to repair or modify tech.
Not when Magilent produces things blindly. Tobi's ability is still priceless. Its just not unique.

I think it's stated Burk doesn't use magic.
Burk is like that hyper-muscled guy from Rex vs Reynalde fight that took absolutely brutal damage.

Maybe he has some gamified trait-like in FO, that allows you to have an effect, for a penalty.

I think the world is very game-like, so that kind of limit makes sense.
Oh the muscle guy there absolutely uses magic. And a lot of it.

But i dont think the world is meant to be gammified at all. Thats Tobi's world.
So i do think thats skewing your perception of the story in weird directions ?