Phil nods as he learns about the wyverns and their bandit-victims. "We aren't the top-predators around here - it's wise to be hidden from all sides when camping out in the wilderness," he says as he remembers some of his times camping in the woods. "And wyverns are nasty business - probably serves the bandits right, but it was certainly an unpleasant way to go..."

At Eponine's questions Philemon speaks up. "Most folks prefer you don't draw any weapons in town. Not much reason for it unless you mean violence or are defending yourself. As for iron...well the fey don't like it, so probably best to just keep it out of sight."

When she starts making plans for food and water as they travel the outdoorsman smiles broadly. "You could break your back and the bank if you like, but unless you're traveling with a bigger group than ours, most people have to do some living-off-the-land to get to Grimmsgate from here. I will help you with that, though I won't help you hunt, as I've mentioned before. We will be alright for water as long as you don't mind filling up your skins at the streams we find."

Spoiler: Mechanics
Philemon's Survival modifier is +5. He should easily be able to keep us going with DC 10 checks:

Quote Originally Posted by SRD
DC 10 - Get along in the wild. Move up to half your overland speed while hunting and foraging (no food or water supplies needed). You can provide food and water for one other person for every 2 points by which your check result exceeds 10.
If anyone else can pass similar checks or assist, I think we will be alright.