To Frank, many of the animal skeletons scattered out on the ground are clearly rodent... but as he looks closer, there are some bones from a larger animal. These are far less common, but they are clustered close enough together that Frank is certain that they belong to whole animals. Frank has to get around and root through the loose piles of bone, but it isn't till he unearths a skull that he realizes... cats. There are cat bones scattered out here!

(OOC: 2 successes)

Jenn also starts rooting through the piles of bones. She can't draw any further conclusion about the origins of the skeletons, but she picks up on a separate surprise. There's no damage to the bones; no evidence of trauma, no talon or beak scratches, no bones cracked open for the marrow. Despite the tree full of scavengers, there's no evidence these rodents have been eaten!

The crows begin to caw louder, thousands of black eyes seeming to stare down at the two human intruders.