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Thread: Lost Lands: Grimmsgate IC

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Lost Lands: Grimmsgate IC

    After some discussion you resolve to hire on as guards on one of the many caravans that make their way east along the King's Road to Mirquinoc and beyond eventually to Endhome.

    Eponine & Felix lead your negotiations, and before too long you have canvassed the key taverns and noticeboards and have identified a likely group of merchants leaving on the morrow. You track down the caravan master as he is finalising the provisions for the journey, an experienced leader from Endhome by the name of Lucius Palejohn. With pushed back greying hair and fine armour the veteran trader certainly seems to know his stuff as he confidently orders his men and women about.

    "You're hired. We have cavalry who will do most of the heavy lifting. You're job is covering fire. I don't expect too much trouble on the King's Road, but a few well-placed arrows should see off any bandits or goblins that get too close. Failing that, you protect those wagons with your lives. Understood?

    There are waystations and fortified inns all along the road. We must make good time each day to reach shelter. There can be no delays."

    Spoiler: The Caravan of Lucius Palejohn
    Caravan makeup:
    • Caravan Master, Lucius Palejohn, resplendent in fine plate armour, sword and shield
    • 5 wagons, 5 oxen, 2 great-oxen (yak-beasts)
    • 3 dogs
    • 10 cavalrymen/ women, heavily armoured in banded mail with lance, sword and crossbows
    • 5 teamsters
    • 5 merchants: Perault Vane, Gillaina Fenberry, Guraldo Silvercoin, Hugh Featherstock, Louis Ambrose
    • Guards: The 7 of you

    Goods: Wine, hazelnuts, tapestries, spices, leather shoes

    Travel time to Mirquinoc: 19 days

    Pay: ~19gp each, paid in arrears

    @Ghostfoot, please feel free to take Philemon and tell everyone about both Mirquinoc and the troubles in Grimmsgate for me. He would try to answer as best he could...
    I haven't forgotten, just ran out of time with this post. Will pick it up next time.
    Last edited by Ghostfoot; 2021-01-24 at 04:08 PM.