Frank's phone alarms early in the morning, too early considering the late hour the pair went to sleep, and the hard mattress, and the scuttling noises coming from the walls. The lack of sleep certainly won't help the mood, but at least it is easy to check out of the motel in the morning. The same teenager is at the desk, bleary eyed but surprisingly cheery.

As the sun is starting to rise and turn the sky pink, Frank and Jennifer take off for Lychwood Park, a ride that is both mercifully and surprisingly short. They pull into the Eastern Parking lot, where a handful of trucks are already parked. Contrary to the description received the night before, the park seems to be fairly well maintained... at least from the parking lot. Next to the dirt path entering into the park from the parking lot is a big green sign with yellow/gold lettering that reads "WELCOME TO LYCHWOOD PARK", then under it in smaller font, "Toadstool Trail". A park ranger in khaki colored uniform is kneeling next to the sign with a can of paint, touching up the ivy colored sign.

When Frank pulls in and parks the truck, the ranger gets up from his work, and saunters over to the them. Now that he's walking towards the car, you can see that he's really just another teenager; one with long straggly blonde hair. The button down shirt of his uniform is wide open, exposing his wiry frame and sun kissed skin. He grins under his pathetic attempt at a mustache as he approaches, and once close enough that he does not have to raise his voice the ranger says, "Welcome to the park. I take it you'll be camping here overnight?" There's none of the twang in his voice that hung heavy in the locals who had caught Frank and Jenn in the field last night, and none of the suspicious glances.