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Thread: unOrdinary

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Dec 2014
    Tron Spacetime

    Default Re: unOrdinary

    Quote Originally Posted by Thales View Post
    I mean, in contrast to Erfworld and quite a few other webcomics with pacing issues, at least the update schedule is reliable and not too slow. But yes, things develop fairly slowly as measured by comics or panels and not real-world weeks.
    True. That's one benefit. But I get the feeling it is being slow on purpose.

    Spoiler: Fastpass last episode spoiler
    The series dragged Ember's reveal so much, once it was 100% confirmed, it just fell flat for me. I mean, who could be behind Ember, was it a corporation backed by a government or just a special government task force? What could it be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Typewriter View Post
    Spoiler: Yeah
    I think what makes it tolerable for me, despite all those flaws with the characters, is that it has a very 'real' feeling to it. I can totally believe that this would be the world if people had these random powers. I believe people would see things the way they do and act in these ways. Most of the time you see a story like this the author tries to give too many people normal 'real world' emotional reactions so it doesn't feel right. The characters are largely flawed, by our perspective, but if you can accept the world for what it is and how it's different they're actually a lot better by the standard being set.
    Spoiler: Character inconsistencies
    I agree in some aspects.

    Yeah, people are acting realistic, but I don't get any consistency. Also, realism takes a backseat to a good plot and writing. People spend large time on the loo. You'll never see that in any good writing, unless plot-relevant.

    Like Arlo - He's pro-hierarchy. He gets dethroned, and he's like meh. Not even going to be the Ace, Arlo? Jesus. You were willing to fight a cripple to get him to accept hierarchy and suspend Sera because they didn't conform. And now you don't even want to try to maintain proper hierarchy?

    Or Sera. Grr. I hate my sister, I have deep-seated trust issues. Next chapter - I believe you, cause I want my powers back. Really, Sera? One, or the other. How do you know she isn't going to stab you in the back?
    Last edited by -D-; 2021-01-19 at 07:02 PM.