Spoiler: Ozzy >>> Ginny
I usually just flick my fingers but... hmm I think I see the issue now. Try your talons maybe?
While Ginny figures things out, Ozlech stays out of the way for Visto to reach Rodriguez.
Spoiler: Ginny >>> Ozzy
"Let's try this on for size! KA-CHOW, BITCHES! ....... Nope, didn't work either. Oh, wait, he's down. Bad guy down. I DID IT!"

Visto, you heard Apophis shout "he fall down." What do you do? It is too crowded (even with allies) to "fly" your way for extra speed up the narrow stairway.

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Eric: 23. Inner sphere stance. DELAYING!!!
Muninn: 22. DELAYING!! No to raging song.
Lin: 21. Inertial armor. DELAYING!!!
Rodriguez: 20. Raging song, including self! Waterskin held by tail.
Apophis: 19. Accepted raging song (+2 morale STR/CON, +1 morale Will, -1 AC)!!!
Ozlech: 16. Aura of misfortune (all foes w/in 30' take -2 on saves). No to raging song. Akashic army w/ Ginny, Apophis (Escape Route, Riven Dart).
* Huginn: 16. No to raging song.
Knuckles: 14. (-2:12). DYING!!!
Visto: 8. DELAYING!!!
Crysti: 3. DELAYING!!!