R1T16: Seeing that the terrain really doesn't fit his and Ginny's tactics, Ozlech will retreat back the way he came with Ginny in tow saying, "It's tighter than an Abbess's thighs in there! Make way unless you can help!" He then gives Ginny a telepathic entreaty to follow him.

He didn't really have to double move, as a single move was enough to bring him to the entrance below (and facing that opposite door).

R1T15: "Boss! I help! I ready switch with you!" hisses Apophis to Rodriguez...

R1T14: The man, whose age is not immediately apparent with a face covering, recovers from the charge and sudden attack of his own. He takes out a dagger with one hand, while still stabbing Rodriguez in the cheek with his rapier for 7.

R1T8: Visto, what do you do way at the back of the bus, as it were? You are currently unaware of Rodriguez' status (so would have no reason beyond metagaming to offer him a balm).

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Eric: 23.
Muninn: 22.
Lin: 21. Inertial armor.
Rodriguez: 20. Nauseated til End of R2T20!
Ozlech: 16.
* Huginn: 16.
Apophis: 15.
Knuckles: 14. (12:12).
Visto: 8.
Crysti: 3.