I am skimming things, so there may be other options and I am going to skip things that the pack doesn't have access to (such as the Irraka Breach Gift).

And... you guys got almost nothing...
-I Think one character can force the berserk condition on an enemy, which would work essentially...

While there are rites and gifts and fetishes that would help you, not one character in the pack has any of it. But, as I am such a nice GM, I'll help the group out. Blaze has discovered a Witch's Poppet (pg 147) in the cave of the defeated mad Uratha. The Witch's Poppet can be hung in the hunting circle, and if they can get HWOB to touch it, the spirit suffers from Knotted Path, a gift that essentially makes it impossible to escape the Uratha.

How does that sound?