I would like to welcome the new players to the game, and invite them to briefly introduce themselves here. As it stands, Llyarden has been kind enough to cover Michael for the last scene, and I will cover Solomon and Kara (at least until Erulasto returns).

I am going to give a quick summary of my understanding of the pack's plan for the final fight, and am inviting Daishain and TC to give any edits/comments to the plan. Once the new players have introduced themselves, and the original players have signed off, I will put up an IC post starting the final showdown (... anyone else just hear Europe play in their head???)

The pack plans on leading He Who Obliterates Breathing into a killzone trap that they have set up in a nursery. They have discovered the Plague Lord's bane (natural and plant based medicines), and have been "mass producing" a large quantity of liquid bane from tannis root and a number of other herbs and medicines that they have gathered. They are setting up their kill zone at a nursery where there are further plants and herbs they plan on weaponizing. They are using a number of spirit wards to essentially create a battle stage that Solomon will lure the plague spirit into, at which point they will close the warded circle, trapping HWOB in with them, where the pack's Uratha and their Totem The Reveler in the Garden are going to make their final stand.

Michael is going to travel with Solomon, but has a separate job of "distracting" the Beshilu, and getting them to chase him, so that he can draw them away from the final confrontation. Michael's job will be to rush back to the pack's den, which is also warded, and in a warehouse on the shoreline. He will be aided by his pack of spirit dogs, and should benefit from the fact that the Beshilu are terrified of the ocean for some reason.

The Pack will also be aided by King Sky Hunter, a powerful falcon spirit, and Immovable Hunter (yeesh I need to get better at naming spirits) a strong bear spirit. I don't think we fully finalized the roles these two spirits will have.