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Thread: Extinction Curse- The Show Must Go On!

  1. - Top - End - #232
    Titan in the Playground
    Farmerbink's Avatar

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    Nov 2013
    Texas, again!

    Default Re: Extinction Curse- The Show Must Go On!

    With now 3 votes in favor, the party begins to make their way towards the local church. Cubby points you in the right direction, and offers to accompany you into town, but seems more than a little shaken by the whiffs he got the night before, and isn't eager, exactly. There aren't many people out and about this morning- it is still a little early, but you might have expected to see someone on the streets.

    Still, it's not hard to find Goldenlaws Church- as the locals call it. Formally the "House of Gold and Laws," Abadar's local temple is Abberton's primary place of worship, and doubles as the town's only facility of money-lending. A sprawling, fenced cemetery is clearly visible beside and behind the sanctuary, filled with rows and rows of neatly managed headstones intermingled with ornate monuments. On closer inspection, the headstones aren't that neatly managed- here and there, signs of wear can be noted among the facades, and some of the grounds are beginning to be visibly in need of mowing.

    From the street, the heroes look up to a raised porch, as wide as the sanctuary behind it. Two stained-glass windows face the road; one of Abadar, the Master of the First Vault, and the other depicting dozens of gold keys. Both windows are broken in several places, causing the dim early-morning sun to reflect strangely on the underside of the porch's covered roof.

    Spoiler: Goldenlaws Church
    You guys are gathered on the street immediately east of the church. The porch is the upper portion, the entrance to the graveyard below.