Sounds fair. For what it is worth, Erulasto may be coming back soon. That said, I don't know how many players would be interested in taking over new characters. I am happy to fast forward things after this act though to allow for "new recruits" to either be brought in from outside, or found in New Bedford over time, if players would prefer that. I also think a healthy degree of turnover is expected as a result of a battle with a Plague God.

Regardless, this will definitely be a priority. All things said and done, I've had a real tough time recruiting players to fill in on games (Changeling specifically, despite it is like the most popular CofD game ATM), so if you know any reliable players who may be interested, feel free to PM them or send them my way, as I would much prefer to bring in a seasoned and reliable player than someone who will jump ship after a week of posting.

Again, apologies for the delay in posting and thank you always for playing and for the patience with me.

P.S. How do you want to handle the taming mentioned?
Honestly, I kind of foresaw moving onto the final battle now... though perhaps it may be in my interest to stall things and see if Erulasto comes back, to have more players making their own rolls, so that I am not rolling for Michael, Solomon, Kara, The Plague Spirit, The Beshilu, King Sky Hunter, Immovable Hunter, and The Reveler (did I forget anyone?) while only two players remain active...

Furthermore, the PCs can do as much prep as they want, there is no hard date that the final scene must take part on (unless the players want to line up their final attack with a specific cycle with the moon). So, I also see no reason we can't allow the players more personal scenes.

So, not to stall this game out further. I've prepped an IC post to begin the final Scene, which starts with some dice rolling; I have it sitting in a word document, and can post it ASAP. But, if both active players want more time to accomplish more things, such as stabilizing the death locus, ect... let me know, and I will table that post in favor of scenes not targeted to the main plot. I won't post till both players have responded.