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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Default Re: Simple RAW for 5e V: The Disadvantage Strikes Back

    Q37 Using Variant Encumbrance, an Encumbered character has their speed reduced by 10 feet. A character with 2 levels of exhaustion has their speed halved.
    If a human character with 30 feet normal speed was both encumbered and exhausted (2 pts), would they have :
    A. a speed of 15 feet (halved)
    B. a speed of 5 feet (halved then minus 10)
    C. a speed of 10 feet (-10 then halved)
    D. a speed of 20 feet (-10) ?
    Last edited by Osuniev; 2020-05-31 at 08:00 PM.