Giggles listens to the mayor as well as he can, though frequent yawns and rubbing of eyes suggest he is struggling a bit. When the man finishes the little blue gnome takes a moment longer to respond than might have been entirely proper before awkwardly saying, "Well...please do not worry about last night. We captured the person responsible and are handling their actions ourselves. They aren't from Abberton, so please don't worry about that."

Putting his chin in his hand in a thoughtful pose, the little man continues, "I don't know much about nature and seasons and all, but it can't hurt to talk to people. Keshkaru here," he gestures to the reptilian druid, "may be able to help more than me, but we will need to do some looking around town and the countryside nearby. Will that be alright?" he asks, looking to everyone in the wagon for confirmation.