Quote Originally Posted by DarkOne7141981 View Post
At Nemia's confirmation Giggles walks to the door and opens it to his allies. "This is Nemia - she's here because she thought the only way to protect nature was to hurt people. I think I have convinced her otherwise. We need to try and help make this all as right as we can, but I don't want anyone hurting her any - she wasn't a friend before, but now she is and I think we can make this better with her help..."
Pip watches quietly to see how the others will react to Giggles's proposition, but does not put away his rapier. His judgement on this individual was settled long before they met face to face. Giving murderers a second chance was a luxury that had never been available to him. Besides, a lifetime of zealotry is not reversed in a day, they should end her now while it would be easy.

Still, as a relative newcomer, Pip does not act on his feelings. This is not his decision to make.