Quote Originally Posted by random11 View Post
As much as I dislike "these guys", they are at least half right.

Annie (Annies?) is supposed to be a mediator, to see the flaws of both sides and not just obeying orders.
But despite all warnings she got so far from both sides about Loup, she seems determined to just hand over the objects without any idea what they are, or how they will impact the forest/court relations.

The court side is of course also wrong in thinking they can just renegotiate the terms, but it might still be a safer approach than having no terms at all.

It kind of reminds me of Walter Peck from Ghostbusters.
No doubt the film portraits him as a villain of some sort, but when you actually listen to what he says, he does have a point...
The problem with Peck is that he's so convinced he's right, that HE doesn't stop to listen or consider the risks of HIS actions.