Pip breathes a sigh of relief as he feels Bardolph's muscles gradually relax. Gingerly he slides down to the ground, leaving the makeshift rope collar where it is, just in case. Whoever did this may do it again. He brushes off his torn shirt and glances around unsure what to say. He hasn't been at the circus as long as many of the others and thus doesn't known Myron, or Bardolph for that matter, as well. What he does know however, is that the night is probably far from over. As Tessara had pointed out, there was a good chance that Bardolph's... affliction, had been timed and that the perpetrator is still close by.

At this point Pip is reasonably confident in the group now standing around the bear. They had proven their trustworthiness several times now. The rest of the workers, well, that was hard to say. He didn't want one of them to be behind all this, but he couldn't rule it out either.