Usagi ride Yojimbo toward the radio tower.
"Back off civies! Letters to the Ottokage are coming through!" She yelled.
The overly seriouse expriession of Yojimbo might make this look legitmly urgnet.

Again the Ottokage make seals to make Jirou's words almost unnaturally acceptable.
"Yes. Also opposite complete each other is a known trope."
It wasn't very funny, if it could even be considered a joke at all, but probably most listeners laughed at it.
"Finally. Our last letter for today.' He slip another letter at Jirou.

Dear Love Sensei.
I am promised as a bride to someone for years. He is an ok guy. Isn't my dream prince in white kimono, but he won't beat or be terrible.
We are "dating" for three years, and I don't feel attracted to him, and either he is too inward kind of person, either he isn't attracted to me.
My grandma say, I don't try hard enough, we are about to marry in one year.
And to make this worst, my best friend got married with someone... terrible, but someone terrible she has chosen. He is also a sort of a "bad guy" which when he look at me, my heart skip a beat.
But I am a girl of duty and family, but at this point, I am frusrated, and at the same time jealuse of my friend.
Sometimes, I just want to run away far as possible... but I will hurt people I care about."