As the not-yet-really-a-party spreads out, to gain better vantages to observe the audience and seek the culprit of their apparent sabotage as well as Myron's death, Tessara gives herself wholly to the performance. Putting all thoughts of subterfuge and deception aside, excepting those involved in her performance, she begins a dazzling display of arcane and athletic acumen. In all the right places, the audience's responses echo her mystical dance, simultaneously giving her appreciation and encouragement for the next step of the show.

From the sides of the tent, raucous cheers erupt as the Dwarven Tossers and Flamboni Sisters wow the audience with their own demonstrations. As Dwarves soar with stunning grace, more and more flaming batons occupy the space between earth and sky. It quickly becomes apparent to the people of Abberton that it perhaps doesn't matter where they look- fascinating sights and marvels can be found in all three rings of the Circus of Wayward Wonders! The cheers reach new heights as the Dwarves finish their routine. All eyes on Tessara, the applause is thunderous when the illusory dragon fades to reveal a perfect throw! The crowd demands more, yet there is nothing more to give. The show has ended, and all that remains is to show their appreciation.

And show it, they do. One by one, Giggles calls out the performers to the center ring. Even Axel is graced with a polite and steady rain of cheers and applause. The crowd hollers louder and louder as Mordaine, Keshkaru, the Dwarves, and the Flamboni Sisters return to the limelight, but the applause could be mistaken for thunder when Tessara receives her final bow. As the riggers dash through the tent, lighting previously dormant torches to bring light back to the "house" area, the performers retire to backstage where their compatriots in the circus wait to shower their own praise. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Axel is the greatest recipient there, as stresses of rookie performances are shared by almost all gathered, at least vicariously.

From his vantage outside the tent, where other carnie workers mull about as well, Vorgrok isn't able to identify anything unusual, but he is present to witness first hand the lingering appreciation of the people of Abberton. Smiles and excited glances are the expression of the hour. Everyone leaving the tent seems pleased, maybe even hopeful that there will be a repeat performance in the coming days. Any disappointment from how the show started has long since been eclipsed by the finale and feature act that preceded it. The people return to their evening activities, obviously exuberant.

Backstage, the Professor approaches Giggles, and the rest of the gathered workers take a polite silence. "Giggles and Keshkaru have done masterful work, have they not?" he says, his voice still wispy and thin due to his past injuries. A quiet, polite round of applause comes from the coworkers- with more than a few glances for Tessara and the others who took a more hands-off role, as the mood suddenly turns dour. "but lest we forget, there was unhappy need for their efforts. Please, be cautious, especially tonight. In the hours following a show, the murderer may attempt to strike again, assuming we will be too unfocused for vigilance. Stay together- in larger groups. Watch out for each other, lest we share poor Myron's fate."

The circus cast and supporting crew begin to disperse, staying more or less together as they return to their carts and wagons to change out of costumes and find food. The Professor pulls Vorgrok and Pip aside as they come together backstage, saying "I saw that you two were searching Myron's wagon. Did you find anything noteworthy?"