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Thread: Extinction Curse- The Show Must Go On!

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    Titan in the Playground
    Farmerbink's Avatar

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Texas, again!

    Default Re: Extinction Curse- The Show Must Go On!

    Just as Keshkaru and Ozkrak leave the center ring and Pip and Vorgrok are returning to the backstage area, a shrill scream erupts from the center of the bleacher seats, near the front row. A young woman trips over a seat or perhaps another circus-goer in her haste to escape from something. In the dim lights, from backstage, it's hard to make out exactly what's happening, but the woman's fear proves contagious. Within a few moments, the crowd has begun scrambling from their seats, frantic and afraid.

    As you move to approach, you find four vipers stirred up and rattling their tails aggressively. They've formed a small pile of reptilian flesh, now just in front of the first row of bleachers. For the moment, it seems they haven't bit anyone, but unless they're dealt with quickly or the crowd disperses, it's only a matter of time.

    Spoiler: Initiative rolls:
    In PF2, initiative is managed by either perception or an appropriate skill, as determined by: me! So we're gonna go with perception, this time, 'kuz reasons.
    (1d20+5)[12] nope ropes

    Kesh: (1d20+7)[26]
    Pip: (1d20+4)[17]
    Giggles: (1d20+5)[20]
    Vorgrok: (1d20+7)[10]
    Tess: (1d20+3)[12]

    All but Tess and Vorgrok get to act before the snakey bois.

    Map updated