Giggles looks at those gathered around and gestures dramatically at one of the onlookers. "Go tell the Feather-Fall Five that they are on next and to break a leg!" he orders, the decisiveness in his tone leaving little room to argue. "Everyone else, get ready to give all the support you can! If you aren't next to perform, cheer your colleagues on from your seats - encourage the crowd to have a good time and make some noise! In the meanwhile, I need to see Axel right now! Get that boy here and someone give him a pull of courage! Tonight is going to be his first night out in front of the public!

Now go!

Spoiler: Mechanics
I think this is Diplomacy, but I would be trying to argue for Performance (Inspirational Speaker) if I could. FarmerBink, add 3 to my roll if I can use Performance for this check...

(1d20+4)[20] to motivate and inspire everyone to make this happen!