
For Yojimbo it was easy. He had this sort one track mind mentality, and this world was alien to him- he only cared to serve and protect Usagi.
The fact Usagi seemed to care, simply amused him, but his expriession has remained deadpanned mostly.
He frowned just a bit, when children has summarized his Bushido trainings, and his exprience fighting wolves and dogs as "Wow! Giant bunny!'
Usagi was alien to humans, almost as much, but she was a human.
It was akward and nice.
She didn't wanted that, but she wanted that.
It was wierd. She wanted home.

When they have gotten to the Ottokage's office she released Yojimbo and used her crotches again.
Stairs! One of her mortal enemies!

But she managed. As usual.
Usagi reacted reasonably to the situation she faced.

She slammed one of the crotches on the desk, sending papers and documetns flying away.
"Oi! Are you a melon head or something?! Those are letters for the OTTOKAGE! Do you wear a cool pointy hat and unpractical robes? No! I N E E D T H E O T T O K A G E!' She screamed.

"Well said, Love Sensei.' Meanwhile, Nozojo did a complicated and powerful seal-it activated in Jirou's brain(unless he had a defence against it) to agree with the words he just said.
He could resist the urge- but it sort of a gut feeling, that those were a very wise advice.
"Well, now for something less edgy. But still. It's intresting and touch an issue in our village, we all need to think about.

Dear Love Sensei-San.
I hope I write it correctly, I am not used to write, and I never was a great scholar.
I am probably the less likely fan to be read on your show- most the letters you read are of young girls, and usually a kunoichi.
And that ok. They are much more intresting then the rants of some random loser factory worker dude.
I am not stupid, but neither bright. I am not strong, but also isn't considerably weak.
I am not ugly, but a bit overweight. I am not a "bad guy' nor a praticulary cultured gentlman.
I am just me. I have my boring parents, who also are working in the factory, my boring friends which I drink with.
What might make this letter worth reading, is that I am dating a Kunoichi right now.
It wierd. Amazing. And terrifiing.
But maybe I better start from the begining, maybe as someone exprienced lover, you can read the signs I can't.
That evening I was drinking alone. Randomly, or by fate, each of my friends ditched me for their personal reasons.
And then she took a seat,asking:"Why aren't you buying me a drink?" She has asked,and talked about her problems... and told me her name, and asked me, if we can meet again next week.
She is beautiful, exciting and surpringly caring. But problems have started. My friends stopped talking to me, and only later one told me he think she is an inside intelgence agent. Someone else,told me she could be a perverted man- ninjas do have the ability to shapeshift...
Also,during a bar fight, I became very aware of how deadly can she be. She has noticed, that during a normal disagreement I cringed in fear...
Shy say I hurt her, and we need a timeout to rethink our relationship.
What do you think?
Can we be happy together? Am I a coward? Or naive?'