This is not a complaint - just an observation/thought/opinion.

Does anyone else feel like the pacing feels really weird the last few chapters? Pretty much ever since Loup appeared everything has felt very... temporary. Loup is here, there's a battle starting, Annie is split into two distinct beings. All that is happening but now we're just sort of pausing for this scene.

Again - not complaining or saying it's a bad scene or arc or anything - but I feel like there's a bunch of stuff that's just hanging around waiting for resolution. I personally can't feel myself to feel heavily invested because I'm just sort of assuming that at some point (literally at any moment) one of the Annie's is going to go away, or they're going to merge, or something. It feels like the things that are happening probably aren't important because the parts that are actually relevant to the story (character arcs?) is being told as a very small part of a bigger story (war with a god?) that feels like it's going to wind up undone or mostly 'resolved.'

I don't feel like I'm describing my thought very well, but does anyone sort of understand what I'm trying to say? I'm still enjoying it but for the first time in the years that I've been reading GC I feel rather detached from the majority of the story.