Heltinne scans the campsite sensing no signs of magic. Mørkedrømevandrer and Signy stand back covering the area, the horses safe behind them.

Bjorn and Heltinne sneak forward to the closest slumbering vagabond. With Freyja standing over the man, covering him but also the whole area with her giantess' spear, the two attempt to quickly bind him. "What the-?" the ruffian wakes, struggling. "Olaf! Ungh" The two of you wrestle his arms behind him, Bjorn pinning him while Heltinne quickly binds him leaving him struggling but helpless. The warning has been made though...

The remaining four drunken miscreants wake in a panic, grabbing for nearby weapons they jump to their feet with snarls of aggression as they wipe spit and sick from their faces.

Spoiler: rolls & info
perception vs DC 0 to wake up
raider (1d20-11)[1]

Surprise round
grapple (1d20+6)[20] (incl. +2 Heltinne Aid Another) vs CMD13 => grappled

Bjorn (1d20+6)[14]
Heltinne (1d20+1)[2]
Freyja (1d20+1)[20]
Signy (1d20+1)[6]
DDW (1d20+2)[5]
Bandit (1d20+2)[19]

Freyja - hold action to see if bandit breaks grapple

break grapple attempt (1d20+1)[11] vs CMD18 => fail

pin (1d20+9)[23] vs CMD13 => Pinned

Heltinne performs Tie Up action

Bandits 1) Stand Up & 2) Retrieve Weapons

No map for this fight, should be pretty simple.

=> Freyja, DDW, & Signy
Freyja gets an AoO (as they stand up), plus her held action from winning initiative in addition to her normal round of actions.