Heltinne Thrainsdottir, Speaker of Spirits

Heltinne moves to help tie the men up, using old rags to gag them as well. She called upon her divine sight to check for signs of magic, scanning the area constantly. The last thing she wanted was to be ambushed by their prey.

[i]”Quickly and quietly, my comrades; let us make hate before they stir.”

Detect magic, help bind the men
Spoiler: Status
AC 14 HP 9 Init +1 (+3) Move 30
F +1 R +1 (+3) W +3
Weapon: MW longspear (+3, 1d8+3), Morningstar (+2, 1d8+2/3)
Spells (Unl) ghost sound, mage hand, guidance, create water, detect magic, spark / (2/3) cure light wounds, bless, obscuring mist
SLA (alter self): 1/1, Ice armor: 1hr
Key skills: Perception +6; Sense Motive +5; Diplomacy +7; Heal +7; Spellcraft +4; KS Religion +4; KS Geography +5; KS History +4
Effect: Child of Winter (+2 Initiative/Reflex in winter, endure elements vs cold; no penalty on ice; 1/2 pen deep snow); ER 5 vs cold, acid, electricity