Quote Originally Posted by snowblizz View Post
Absolutely not. Abandon all hope ye who enter here.

Bulk is cheaper because it is slower. Getting to dates where even domestic post can't guarantee postcards arriving before Xmas so I wouldn't hold my breath on international shipping of packages.

Just keep in mind, the one who waits for something good never waits too long (not sure if that's a saying that translates well into English, as kids one would always change that never to always too).
Well said! As I still didn't get any email from Ookoodook, I guess all hope is gone now, but on the the other hand at least I'll have something to look forward to after the Christmas :)

Just for fun: this delay is in quite a sharp contrast with a similarly small book eshop in Germany - there I ordered a new book last Friday, got an email that presumed delivery date is this Thursday. On Saturday I got an email where they apologized for changing the delivery date - they changed it to this Wednesday... and the book actually arrived today (Monday morning) :D