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Thread: Dark Seeker's Paper Chase IC

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Re: Dark Seeker's Paper Chase IC

    As you mention the lack of accommodations, Mr. Merriweather nods, "Well, my friend, I consider myself a good judge of character, and I value good-heartedness, and it seems quite clear from our conversation that you are just trying to make it in the world. There's a hotel on the corner of High and Garrison. Tell the man there, Mr. Erving, that I requested personally for you to head there. We go way back, and I'm sure he'd be willing to offer you a place there until you can get back on your feet, which I am certain will happen in no time at all."

    However, at your response he nods, "I meant no offense, Mister Turner. However, I've heard many a strange tale in my time, and I'd rather be trusting one the chance you'd be correct than ignore such signs until it is too late. You also most certainly have an air of honesty about you, and as I mentioned previously: I consider myself a decent judge of character." He smiles sadly, hoping that his lack of an outburst doesn't leave you upset with him.

    He then stands up from his chair and sticks out his hand, ready for a firm handshake. "Well, it has been excellent meeting you Mr. Brant. I am very glad to find someone concerned with the creative arts such as yourself, and I look forward to many more conversations with you! If you would indulge me, of course."