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Thread: Dark Seeker's Paper Chase IC

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Re: Dark Seeker's Paper Chase IC

    The sandwiches and coffee arrive.

    Mr. Merriweather takes your whole story in, all the while snacking on the cookies which arrived for him. He nods every now and then, but for the most part, he simply lets you do most of the talking. Once you are finished he shakes his head. "Why, the utter horror that you have experienced Mister Turner. Such things change one's mind. A disaster like the one which you have desribed is horrible, and I myself am surprised I have not heard of this town 'Emberhead' ever before." He then gestures to the cafe, "Do not worry, I assure you, have whatever you would like. It is no bother at all for me to help someone such as yourself recover. I'm sure after a night's rest-"

    He then pauses and looks around at the darkened streets of Arkham lit only by the flickering streetlamps. "Actually, and I hope you don't mind my asking this, but where are you planning on staying?" Although he clarifies his statement, holding his arms up defensively "And do not worry, I'm not planning on sending ritualistic killers after you or anything like that. I simply want to make sure that you're able to recover. Mr. Vanderbilt is a good friend of mine, as we did some work concerning the anthropological impacts of ancient classical art, and I'm sure his gallery will be deeply blessed to have someone such as yourself contributing to it." He smiles, doing his best to cheer up the lost soul to whom he's speaking to.

    The sandwiches are rejuvenating, and you're glad to finally eat something nourishing. Honestly, over the last few days, it took all of your willpower not to call Father and go crawling back into his plentiful arms. Meanwhile, the coffee gives you an energy you have been sorely lacking over the long and exhausting journey from fire to freedom. However, as he's talking, you can't help but realize that Mr. Merriweather has not once called you crazy or insane. Perhaps this is him doing his best to be kind to the traveler who just shared his story, but maybe not.