Mr. Merriweather shakes his head, "It is no problem at all. Do not worry about it." He then looks intrigued, "You're an artist, though, Mister Tuner? Where were your paintings to be exhibited? I'm sure you could try talking to the curator. The people of Arkham are quite reasonable people, I assure you."

However, as your tone becomes darker Mr. Merriweather becomes intrigued, "Well, I do not wish to pressure you, but Mister Turner, do not worry. I have heard many a strange tale before. I used to be a professor of cultural anthropology, see. I studied the ancient egyptians, along with their interaction with the Roman Empire during the first century. Why that was my specialty! The syncretic elements of the cult of Isis alone..." His face is alight with wonder. However, he then gathers himself. "My apologies, sometimes I have a slight tendency to ramble, but the point stands that I've read quite a few things in this long life of mine." He chuckles a bit to himself as he finishes.