Spoiler: The Dream Contest

Spoiler: Useless Fluff for GM
Iso on a boat that was going down an underground river smiled while his friend held down a powerless man that claimed to dream their dream.

"I feel like I can work with this, maybe?" Iso said, amused and excited with the implications of the other tribe's interference, if Iso would call it that, considering what he was about to try.

"Iso, I have no idea what non-sense your trying. Is holding this dreamer necessary?" Grom said to his friend.

"Indeed it is Grom, he says he's the dreamer who dreams all these dreams, and so we might make use of him. What are the things that normally end a dream early?"

"I don't know, but you do." an increasingly less weirded out yet annoyed Grom said, trying not to think about the situation.

"Indeed! My friend, three things typically end a dream early over all others; something in the physical world calling the dreamer back, a frightening nightmare, or a particularly exciting dream. A proper dreamer can suppress these feelings or use other means to keep themselves asleep if they must, but there are limits to everything. A nimble mind might be able to use this fierce pit of emotion to make quite the ending to this dream."

"So what, you intend to scare this guy awake?"

"Yes? As long as we don't get too frighted or excited ourselves first it'd be on our terms..." A less than fully confident Iso tried to convey.

"What about the monsters?"

"Them? They seem more focused on each other for now. We'll just stay out of things."


Iso will attempt to draw in the Stone-Head's dream of urgency and impossibility into his own more, fueling the tension that he wishes to create. His plan is to take the Masked Man along for the adventerous ride, trying to heighten the tension in any way he can, then end it by throwing the Masked Man down a waterfall.

Spoiler: Could be scarier underground maybe?

Iso will try to avoid the big monsters, as they could probably end him fast.

Spoiler: OOC for GM
Probably won't even work a little bit, but that's what I get for writing this stuff out so quickly at night. I'll try to get actions done tomorrow.