As mentioned in the werewolf OOC thread:

My sincere apologies for being away so long this week. Suffice to say it has been a busy and dramatic week. That said... Happy Halloween! In the spirit of the game and the holiday, I am giving every character one free Halloween beat! I'm not going to tally it up in this post, but you will find updates in your character sheet.
Beyond this, I really hoped to respond to TC and Daishain earlier, so that we could move things forward, but it has been a truly hectic week for me. For the sake of simplicity sake, I'm going to be doing some picking and choosing quotes to reply.

Re: hunting, Anna looks like crap. She has a bullet hole in her shoulder which she will patch up with the first aid kit in her car, and she’s so low on vitae she is not going to be able to seduce anyone, so she’s going to go on her own and find someone in an alley somewhere. Maybe make it look like a mugging. After that she might hunt with the coterie.
Sorry if this was not clear, but my imagination is that the hunting scene would take place at the start of the next evening, rather than at the end of this night... as dawn is approaching. Because of this, Anna's wounds should be fully healed. Per the rules for "Open Wounds", Anna and Karl's Bane, the wounds heal up once you go to sleep.

That said, if you want Anna to hunt once before dawn, and want to jump someone, you can have Anna give me a Dex+ Brawl, or Str+ Stealth roll depending on how Anna is going to go about it.

I think Karl would replace his first aspiration with some variant of "Secure an unofficial or unassuming position advising the new prince."
Probably have a couple of subobjectives involving helping clean house after the transition of power, sorting out anyone not likely to accept the new ruler or were complicit in Gorman's crimes. Also likely some work making sure whatever influence he gains is safe, either assuring rivals that he's no threat, or that he's got enough leverage on their activities to bury them for good, whichever fits the situation.
How would you feel about Karl taking on a role of Hound, like Anna. A hound is basically a go getter for the Sheriff (whomever that may become ), sometimes they are more like toughs, and sometimes they are more like spies or information collectors. They have a bit of power, but ultimately, the extent of their responsibility in Kindred society is doing as they are told. Karl could possibly even negotiate to make his new role "secret" or whatever, so he doesn't draw any more attention.

I know Erulasto is tied up at the moment, but I think Ladorak may have missed my former post. Not to delay things too long, but I will PM him now to check this thread, and will otherwise move the IC thread along first thing in the morning. This will also give TC and Daishain a chance to respond.