Vershab looks at the trapped door with an intense expression of concentration as he obviously thinks about their options. "I can attempt to dispel the wards, but that won't address the mechanical trap. Alternatively, I could summon a creature to spring the trap for us - as the creature is extraplanar the body formed in our universe will be reduced to ectoplasm, but the creature itself will be unharmed in its original plan upon the expiration of either the spell or the energy holding its physical form together here. However, both spells are some of the most difficult and taxing I can cast, so I will be less able to help with my most powerful incantations if we need them later...I don't want to recommend Lehasti deliberately expose herself to harm when a summoned ally could do that without actually being harmed itself, though," he says, muttering just loud enough to be heard by everyone as he muses over the options.

With a shrug he turns and gently takes the silver headband from Turi. "I cannot wear this, since I wear the Mask in its disguised form, but I could attempt to identify the magic enchanting it. May I?"

Spoiler: Mechanics
Detect Magic along with Spellcraft (?) to identify the magic item: (1d20+15)[27]

I am 90% sure I have the modifiers and process right, but am at work right now - if this is incorrect I apologize and will try to correct it when I can access the rules and my character sheet.