Vershab nods as he takes the scroll and tucks it into a case he carries. "I will keep this record safe until we can ensure the knowledge therein will not be used. Something concerns me, however - they mention interring the subject in case of further questioning. There are relatively simple spells that allow one to speak with the deceased, which could allow others to discover the location of the Sky Pharoah's heart for themselves. I too think we must plan to travel to Sothis and find the heart ourselves, if only to keep it from those who would use its power to do something worse than the plague that we stopped in Wati," he says. As he stands he looks around the room with something akin to regret before climbing to the center of the cross-room. "With what we have learned here I think we should look behind the last door. Shall we inspect it and attempt to bypass its defenses now, or wait until we have rested?" he asks, looking to the "sad" door.