Thread number six...sounds like a perfect number. Anyway!

Since we're due for an update cycle in five days....

Proposed Items for Index 6.1
On Loki and (Dis)honesty
"...because his followers believe he is incapable of honesty, he actually is incapable of honesty (except to Thor)". Also, "honesty" is distinct from "not lying": "If Loki tells the truth in the cause of trickery, he is still not being honest.".
#1177 2019/08/26 Tentative, appears will be included without vote
The Mutable Nature of the Gods
"...the fact that the gods are the way they are now does not preclude them having existed in some other form in the past—one that we might not have thought of as 'gods' ".
#1177 2019/08/26 Tentative, appears will be included without vote
Minrah is not a Character Replacement #1180 2019/09/16 Tentative, appears will be eligible for vote