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Thread: Dungeon Master [DM/GM] Registry

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    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Default Re: Dungeon Master [DM/GM] Registry

    Name: My screen name is Eternal Dharma. You can call me Matt though, since the screen name is pretentious and theatrical.

    Availability to Host Campaigns: Yes? I'm not really sure how to answer this given that PBP isn't like live games where this could be used to determine session dates. At least not in my PBP experience.

    Contact Information: You can just message me on here. I almost never check my email unless I have to do a security check or I get a notification straight from the service provider.

    Posting Frequency: Once per day unless extraordinary circumstances pop up. I add that because force majeure is a thing and I want to account for that possibility.

    Systems You Can Run: I can run lots of game systems, but I've only been in the mood for a few of them here lately. Those are Pathfinder 1E, Exalted 2E, Mutants and Masterminds 3E, and New World of Darkness.

    Preferred Campaign Types: I really like high fantasy and horror. Not much else gets me interested other than the occasional sci-fi game. I prefer a good mix of rollplay and roleplay. I am not a fan of short one-shot games, I much prefer either more involved campaigns or open-world sandboxes.

    Sample Game Threads: Most of my games that you can see are either in my notebook or on a private Discord server. If people need a sample of my GM'ing style, I'd be fine with outlining how I do things and maybe do a back-and-forth roleplay exchange sample.

    Current Games: None at present. PF2E sort of killed the Discord groups and most of the people in my area have either left or play 2E/D&D5E, neither of which I am remotely interested in.

    Future Games: I have ideas for future games. Probably more ideas than can realistically be finished within my lifetime. Haven't really decided on one yet.

    Additional Notes: As a GM, I err more on the side of allowing things as long as they do not disrupt the game in either flavor or rules. I am a big proponent for the inclusion of third-party content in Pathfinder and generally allow everything that is reasonably balanced, I have access to, and, most importantly, fits the setting. I am also not shy when it comes to fixing certain broken rules, reversing pointless nerfs, or giving buffs to underpowered content.

    Edited to add in the Additional Notes section.
    Last edited by Eternal Dharma; 2019-10-17 at 05:35 PM.