White That Walks - Nuk Bear Shaman

The Nuk and his polar bear companion, Brother, set out at an easy lope, his long legs and the bear's steady gait easily keeping up with the horses. He had grown up running across the bare tundra and ice of the north. Unless the horses were at a full out gallop, White That Walks would be able to keep up, especially in the tricky terrain of the rocky Trollfist Hills.

Keeping a wary eye to the ground and the rocks around him, the Nuk Shaman pulls out a pinch of lichen from a pouch around his waist. He places it in his mouth and chews, crushing the plant between his teeth to release its mild hallucinogen. He breathes deep as he feels his senses sharpened by the narcotic. He casts about, looking for signs of Styr.

Survival with Guidance - (1d20+10)[15]