Jarl Olaf responds to Heltinne's query about the man's crimes, "Murder, theft, and worse. Styr the Ugly is a man burdened by neither good looks nor morality. His face is coarse and marred by a scar on his chin that looks like a snake’s tail. He's probably had a few other miscreants fall in with him, but there can't be too many or Hallbjorn would have found them by now."

Spoiler: provisions
Jarl Olaf loans a light riding horse again, each, if you want it. You'll want to take bedrolls and a few days rations (no more than a week's worth).

When you are prepared, you mount up and head off. Again west crossing over the Coast Road and through the farmlands and forest towards the Meadows. After an hour or so you veer off and soon spy the Trollfist Hills ahead. Four rugged, round hills looking like the bent knuckles of a troll’s fist push up out of the moors, larger than the lower hills around them. The hills are sparsely vegetated and rather steep, though pathways goes through them. Those trails are of hard-packed earth over flinty rock, and are as gray and lifeless as the rest of the territory.

You spend some hours searching the trails among the hills, and as you do the day starts to draw late.

Spoiler: Perception checks
DDW (1d20+7)[19]
Skorri (1d20+3)[20]
Freyja (1d20-1)[8]
WTW (1d20+7)[10]
Heltinne (1d20+6)[17]
Bjorn (1d20+1)[4]
Signy (1d20)[1]

Spoiler: DC15 - DDW, Skorri, Heltinne
Shortly after entering a muddy, overgrown area, you notices tufts of coarse, damp hair stuck to rocks, large footprints, and fresh claw marks on the stones — certain troll sign.

Spoiler: Map