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Thread: Personal Woes and Advice 6

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Personal Woes and Advice 6

    So... with my job issues, I feel like there's some things that I didn't understand properly that make my coworker a little less frustrating.

    Firstly, he is not a trainer. In fact this job has no training. You're just sort of tossed into the thick of it to figure it out. If that seems cruel, I'm told that it's pretty common in trade professions to handle things that way. So he in actuality had every right to be frustrated and not willing to help me out, because in truth, that is not his job. I know that I gave an account that suggested that it was, but that was my misunderstanding and mistake.

    After I turned in my two weeks, my manager actually talked me out of quitting though. We'll see if I can make it to three months.
    Last edited by The Fury; 2019-09-06 at 09:50 PM.