Quote Originally Posted by PeacefulOak View Post
Dark Dreams Wanderer

"You are far from the homeland, White that Walks. What brings you on my trail to the south?"
The Nuk bows his head, acknowledging the distance both Nuks had travelled from their own lands. Far, but we go farther still, Dark Dreams Wanderer. I have no answer for you except that I was so sent by the old gods of snow, earth, and fur to find you. Our paths are joined if you will allow it, or else resist the swirl and cycle of the spirits that were old when the Aesir appeared.


White That Walks puts a restraining hand on the neck of his bear companion, Brother, who only allows a low rumbling growl to escape his throat as the wight lord shows himself. This is not for us, Brother, let the Nords handle their own ancestors. he whispers. Although he does not interfere directly, he does betray surprise by way of a sharply indrawn breath when it is his fellow Nuk who approaches the Andovan skeleton king. What strange days these are, the Great Bear Mother is long sighted to send us south.