Quote Originally Posted by Jannoire View Post
I was able to buy previous volumes at that store, too. Was there a change in policy regarding the latest book?
Nope, no change in policy. You should be able to get Book 6 anywhere you have gotten the books before.


Just to clarify how things work for everyone: There are two ways to get the physical book—through Ookoodook and through Someplace Else. All of the Someplace Else orders are exactly the same, from my point of view. It doesn't matter if they are selling it in a bookstore or a small custom website or Amazon or off the back of a turnip truck. I get paid the same amount for all of them. They are all 100% fine.

The Ookoodook orders give me a higher percentage of the cover price, and as a result, we work with them directly. There's no distributor or supplier, it's just me shipping a bunch of books to them and them mailing them out. So Ookoodook sales will likely get to you faster because I ship the books to Ookoodook and my marketing broker on the same day, then the broker mails them to distributors, who mail them to stores, which mail them to you. And if you want to maximize your support to me, then buying from Ookoodook is the way to do so because I don't have to pay the store, the distributor, and the broker. (It also helps me actually pay for the print run, as I mentioned before, because they will send me money right away while Someplace Else money won't show up until February or so.)

But buying the book at all is still supporting me, and I don't want people to feel that they must buy from Ookoodook. Buy from wherever you feel comfortable buying.

And just in general—Let's not anyone else answer questions on here unless you're 100% certain of the answer (such as if you're quoting me). It doesn't help me for anyone to spread wrong information.