Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
Probably. Kevin from Ook has told me he has a lead on a service that might reduce it, but that may not pan out.* If they do come up with a way to reduce the price, they will refund the difference to everyone who paid more, so if you can technically afford it (and would merely prefer it to be less) then you can go ahead and pre-order, knowing that if they reduce it later you won't lose out. Or you can wait, but I doubt there will ever be a specific point where I'll be able to say categorically, "Nope, it's definitely never getting better."

* I'm informed that one of the reasons it's so high is that a deal with a previous service that had agreed to fulfill the books locally in Canada and Europe collapsed at the last minute, and there wasn't time for them to find another one before I needed the book to go on sale.
Good to know.