SORCERER: Charm Person!
SUMMONER: Don't...
SORCERER: Psychic Casting! She needs to beat a 17.
DM: She gets an 18 before modifiers.
DM: The guard captain stares at you and yells, "GET OUT!"

SORCERER: There's a vault in the cave with a combination lock that we'll crack.
MONK: (OOC) did you just tell a halfdragon about a treasure trove?

BARD: Under pretext of helping Monkle, I steal some of your meat. 33 for sleight of hand.
LESHY: 3! Dammit! So I'm watching her walk into the room and steal meat and say nothing??
SUMMONER: With those rolls, she could have entered by the window.

DM: The door opens and out comes...
SUMMONER: A dragon?
LESHY: "Hullo son!"
DM: No!

DM: You bang on the door repeatedly but nobody answers.
SORCERER: knockknockknock "Penny." knockknockknock "Penny". knockknockknock "Penny".